Friday 8 May 2009

morther's day, b'day and tourney... my day??

hey... long time no see, hehehe.... my last blog was on the 29 april... (lama ker tu???)

anyhow... a lot had happened.. in which i can't really remember. but i do remember that i hang out with the siblings and alai on her b'day..

work?? hmmm i have got a new task in which im not really specialize in it.. but since its part of my work, i have to give it a try... so far, so good..

my love life.. hmmm so far its ok but then i did brought up the matter again about marriage... same reply like what have i wrote in my previous blog..

my trip... well i thought because of this new task of mine that i have to cancell my long awaited trip in november, but then i have to thank my boss who stood up for me.. so yeah, my trip in november is on baby.... hahahaha

today... my plan was to go out to gadong to find gifts for my nephews and nieces b'day this sunday, along with mother's day.. haha i did find some but i still dont know what to find for my kids (nephews and nieces) but i have a great gift for my mom...
i just had my badminton practice at PGGMB building at kiyanggeh.. man that place is hot... there will be a tournament this coming 16 may... so far i know lah...

well thats it for now... boring kan... like rp would say kannnnnnnnnnnnn....