Saturday 27 June 2009

Photogenic Contest at the Mall

Hi ppl, im back again, and now im revealing myself to the blog world... well for the sake of my friend...

this here, i followed a photogenic contest that was held at The Mall in gadong... and today is the last.. alot of lovely contestant in which i know i cnt beat them... they are using voting system... so who voted the most is the person who will become the face of Laneige..

Thursday 4 June 2009

LG Arena + Sony Alpha...

hi all, pejam celik, pejam celik dah kita sampai bulan june.. time does fly fast huh..

korang apa khabar?? ada sehat??

me?? im ok, just ok.. well to conclude alot has happen but i just keep it short..

for the past 2 weeks, i had my badminton tournament, in which it was an inter JPM tournament.. it was fun.. but unfortunately, we lost... but hey, i got the chance to extend more friends..

hmmm what else than that?? hmmm i not quite sure coz i have forgotten some of it..

owh yeah, i was driving my car with its road tax and insurance expires on march in which i overlooked that matter.. gila gila.. syok sendiri aku drive keta aku tu, kalo tak my sis kata dia nak pi labuan kira nak ajak, aku pi tengok lah road tax aku tu, punya lah aku tekejut beruk... hehehehe... so la nie, everything is ok.. time tu, paksa lah kita limit my travelling.. tapi yang aneh nya, takde plak road block... syukur alhamdullillah... kalo tak.. nahas aku dek boss aku.. keh keh keh

smlm, kita gi jln jln ngan kawan aku sorang tu, bz nak cari rumah, sal dia dah dpt keje tetap ngan gamen.. heheheh faham faham lah ye.. so dia pi ajak kita dok tinggal dgn dia.. aku kata ok, so aku pun dok bz lah pi cari rumah yang berpatutan ngan budget kita orang..

so time jln jln tu, naik letih so we end up visit last place fot that night, kita pi soon lee kat lambak.. hehehe apa lah shopping ler.. end up aku beli baju adidas.. awal tu ada lah aku nampak baju polo merah ngan lambang liverpool kat baju tu, mahal jugak but aku tak kira time tu aku nak jugak beli, last last nya, takde lak size aku.. so maleh den nak beli.. den beli baju lain jer..

hehehe bulan november dah nak dekat nie.. aku tak sabaq nak gi key ell jumpa relative aku tu.. hehehe rindu nya...

owh yeah.. lately, aku kemarok sgt nak beli LG ARENA and Sony Alpha.. biasa lah tu, pakai loan... keh keh keh...

ok lah nie jer yang aku dpt ingat.. lain kali update lagi yer.. tunggu ler dlm sebulan lagi yek..
