Sunday, 11 April 2010


seems like i can't really keep up with my blog since i have been commuting from home and up to the capital which takes about 2 hours ride in the morning and another 2 hours ride back home... i have to wake up at about 0430 hours and starts to drive at 0530 hours and arrive at the capital at about 0645 hours, as usual, go have breakfast then to office...

i didnt really take my lunch coz i replace my lunch with sleeping... only on friday i can pay back my sleeping hours, but then ofcoz, mom would go mumbling complaining me waking up late...

so today i went and watched my office mates netball tournament.. yup, going up to the capital again... but as for today, it way worth it.. my office mate for the 1st time won the netball tournament and i enjoyed spending my time with my boss's brother..

well he like to bully girls but then thats how he is.. sweet and nice.. and today, he's been nice.. he actually asked me to accompany him to buy his smoke coz he wasn't familiar with the capital area..

time goes by and we had lunch, chit chat and fags, laughs, talking about movie and whatnot was a moment to remember... well i can just say that now i enjoy having him as a company... =)