Monday, 2 March 2009


Everyone have their own life in front of them, where they have made plans of what they gonna do. Some want to stay single till they have achieve their target, some want to get married a.s.a.p, some just don't know what to do with their life once they have fallen, some are afraid of commitments and some are just carefree..

Now, i just don't know where i belong too, maybe i'm a carefree person, or maybe i want to step ahead in relationship or maybe i want to achieve my goals, but sometimes what we planned doesn't always go as what we have predicted..

In my 29 years of living and working, i do want to go to the next level of the relationship, marriage. I have been in relationship for almost 3 years now, and everyone surrounding me keep on saying "kawin tah", well, its easy for them to say, but the one who has to go through all those shits is me.. Is all in the matter of money and arrangements.. Hmm almost to 3 years of relationship?? How long do i have to wait?? Now that question always pop out in me head.. I did give out my courage to ask him, but then the same answer i always get, "im not ready"

Hmm, funny, my brother is eagerly want to settle down.. i DO want to settle down.. i dont want to give anymore burdern to my 2nd brother and his wife.. It doesn't feels right..

Should I find someone new and start all over again?? Should i ask my mother to arrange my marriage?? Should i just wait for him till he is ready?? Should i force him to settle down??

Owh God!!!

1 comment:

  1. BaBe, uR LaST SeNTeNCe aTo, aSK uRSeLF WHeTHeR u WaNT 2 SeTTLe NoW oR NoT. WeYH...F u WaNa TaLK aBouT iT, Y DuN We HaNGouT/CHiLL/DiSCuSS aMoNG uS(u, Me, SaNG & NaDia), MaNa Tau We CaN HeLP..HuHuHu
